sexual education

The desire to love and to be loved is part of human nature. A successful life, a successful marriage and family rank high in priority and wishes of young men and women.They should be encouraged in their desire for stable and lasting bondings. The daily glance in the various media shows how important the handling of sexuality, of the virtue of ones body and identity is.

Sexuality can be the source of great happiness. Therefore education to a self-determined, mature and responsible dealing with the own gender and the other is vital.

This is exactly the point where development-sensitive sexual education starts.

Development-sensitive sexual education

promotes children and teenagers according to their individual overall development.

Development-sensitive sexual education

doesn’t look onesided on the sexuality of the child but puts it in a psycho-social context of the respective age-bracket.

Development-sensitive sexual education

renders a transdisciplinary approach to combine sexual science, psychology (e.g. bonding-science), pedagogics and medicine.